Useful links

Free Childcare for 2 Year Olds - find out if your child is eligible for a free childcare place.

Early Years Pupil Premium -  find out if you are eligible to claim this extra funding for your 3 or 4 year old to be paid to your early years provider to support your child's learning and development.

Childcare Choices - information of Government help with child care costs.

Cambridgeshire County Council Safeguarding Children and Child Protection - what you should do if you feel a child is being abused.

NSPCC - if you are worried or concerned about a child, you can get help, support and advice here.

Cambridgeshire Child and Family Centres - access to health services and support for families through courses, activities and events.

Cambridgeshire Local Offer - information on support for children and young  people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities.

NHS Speech, Language and Communication Service - information on what to do if you are worried about your child's speech, including dates and times for 'drop in' sessions, where you can speak to a speech and language therapist or assistant.

Cambridgeshire County Council - Children and Families - information on childcare and early learning, parenting and family support and school admissions.

Foundation Years - everything you need to know about the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Wheatfields Primary School
