About our Pre-School

Our aims
  • To provide a nurturing and welcoming environment which makes our children and families feel at ease.
  • To work in partnership with families to provide the best possible outcomes for our children.
  • To provide fun play based activities which are educationally, physically and mentally stimulating - following the Early Years Foundation Stage and children's interests.
  • To identify those children who may need extra support and adopt a graduated response to provide specific help.
  • To ensure our children develop their independence and confidence in a safe and happy environment.

Burleigh Hill Pre-school follows the Early Years Foundation Stage, which prepares your child for school and their future learning and successes.  Learn more here.

Ofsted and the Early Years Foundation Stage require all early year providers to have policies and procedures in place to safeguard children.  You can view ours here.

Our latest Ofsted report can be seen here.

Opening times
Our opening times are Monday to Friday, 8.40am to 2.55pm during term time.  We run two sessions a day with a lunch club* for those families who wish to increase their hours to full days.  Minimum of two sessions per week is required.

Morning session 8.40am to 11.40am
Afternoon session 12.10am to 2.55pm
Full day sessions 8.40am to 2.55pm

*Lunch club will only be offered to those children taking a full day at Pre-school.  If you choose to take a full day, we ask you to provide a healthy pack lunch for your child.

If you also require childcare, before or after these sessions or in the school holidays, you can find a local childminder here.

Find out what a typical fun day at Burleigh Hill Pre-school is like, here!

All 3 and 4 year olds are entitled to 15 hours free childcare for up to 38 weeks of the year from the term following their 3rd birthday.  Full details can be found here.  

Click on the following links to see if your child is eligible for free childcare:

Extended 30 hours free childcare for 3 and 4 year olds  

If you are not eligible for the extended 30 hours but would like to take more than 15 hours with us, you are welcome to do so and will be charged our hourly rates.

Hourly rate is 2-3 years £4.85 per hour, 3 years+ £4.12 (Prices are correct as of 7th January 2019)

Fees are inclusive of all daily activities and a healthy savoury snack.  We actively encourage parents/carers to donate fresh fruit and vegetables.